Sunday, October 22, 2006


So it's officially Fall and that means Boots. I always do a "boots of the season" shopping binge right around this time every year... I call the purchase a birthday present to myself... anyhow, I'd been eyeballing these John Varvatos Military Flight Boots for about a month... BGM02FE_mp
cute, right? Pretty pricy at a bit under 500 clams. So anyhow, I finally went into Gimme and tried them on and much to my wallets' relief, I wasn't really wild about them. I mean, all the detail is on the leg and who's gonna see it? unless i'm wearing a freakin' mini skirt! Since I no longer have the legs to pull off a mini, I passed. I was chatting with my Gimme-guy and during the conversation, it dawned on me that I should probably go full-on authentic cowboy boot. i wanted something super pointy with a "cuban' or underslung heel. Chocolate brown. here's what I got:
They're by a company out of Spain called "Sendra". Pretty close to exactly what I was looking for. Much detail to be seen below the cuff line and the underslung heel is BRILLIANT! On top of all that, they were about 200 bucks less than the Varvatos. All in all, a good shoe shopping weekend.


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