Monday, March 07, 2005


So today I'm teaching at a private high school here in the city. A musical director that I've worked with gave my name to the head of the dance department when he heard that she was looking for someone to teach 'One' from A Chorus Line to her kids. I can do that number in my sleep. I actually did last night. Over and over and over again. Am I nervous about this? Why should I be nervous? I've staged this number for two different companies... this is a walk in the park. Isn't it? Okay. I'm just gonna stop right now. Just stop. I'm gonna freak myself out if I don't stop.
one hat walk walk point point point flick step kick hat to the head three four lead with the hip follow through up down up down fill the phrase elbow right down point step brush step brush...
yeah, in my sleep. walk in the park.


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