Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Waiters on Wheels

Okay, so I know that using Waiter's on Wheels is probably the most horrible, lazy thing that anyone could do... knowing that and admitting it I will also admit that we use them on a pretty regular basis. Tonight, I have an extra special excuse. I am car-less. Mini had to stay overnight at the dealer to fix his window.
Anyhow... I ordered from Kam's tonight. I was a little bit wary as I called because my favorite thing to order there was not on the menu. I was pleased when I mentioned it to the order taker and she said she'd call the restaurant to see if they could get me what I wanted. YES. Very, very pleased at this point. so an hour and a half later my doorbell rings. the order came to 29 something (that included the delivery fee of eight freakin' dollars). I handed the guy 2 twenties and asked for 5 back. I was giving him a 5 dollar tip. not bad. the guy looks at me and tells me he doesn't have change.
"Well, I'm not giving you a $10.00 tip."
"What am I supposed to do?"
"Get me change"
"I don't know. You figure that out. I'll give you this money, you go and get change and you bring it back to me."
"I can't"
"I have a two dollar bill, but I'm saving that"
"Look, I told you i'm not giving you a 10 dollar tip. You have to figure this out. Get me change."
"I can't."
"Look, what do you mean you can't get me change? Go to the 7/11 on 15th & Geary, break one of the 20s and bring me back the change. It's that simple. I've figured it out for you. Now go do it."
"I can't."
"You mean, you WON'T. What's your name?"
"Here's the 40 bucks. If you don't ring my bell with 5 dollars in 5 minutes, I'm calling and complaining."
It's been an hour and I just got off the phone with WOW for the second time. The first person who answered told me that I had to call back tomorrow between 9 and 4 to talk to a manager. I called back 10 minutes later and the person who answered listened to my complaint, and then offered to send me a 20 dollar gift certificate. Sheesh.
I'll use the gift certificate, but that will be the last time I ever call Waiters on Wheels.


Blogger ver said...

Does this count as "eating at home?" (see your posts two posts down)!!!!!

11:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm...because I find it hard to believe you will resist calling WOW again, perhaps you should keep a special stash of WOW small bills and change...and if this dude EVER delivers to you again...you won't have to tip him.

10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all I would like to say it was both the customer and delivery boys fault. Always keep in mind the driver only keeps so much money in his pocket. They are a target for robbery, but since the situation did occur he should have went to the store. Next time when placing your order always tell them you need them to bring change for a 20, 50 100 or whatever. Also make sure when you post comments about a certain businesses over the internet you include the state and city of where they are located. Many businesses have the name Waiters on Wheels. They also provide service to people that home bound, sick and disabled not just lazy.

7:46 PM  
Blogger Shuboy said...

Um... who are you?
Why should I have to tell a food delivery service that I'll need change? I wasn't asking for the driver to break anything bigger than a 20. I'd never expect a driver to break anything bigger than that.
As long as you're handing out advice, I guess I'll return the favor. When YOU post a comment on a blog - especially when accusing the writer of being lazy - don't do it anonymously. That's just chicken shit.
The city and state i'm from is posted right under "About Me", jackass.

8:35 PM  

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