Saturday, May 19, 2007

Root Planing???

In my last post I mentioned a tooth extraction (thanks for the milkshake offer, Sus!!). So, yeah... that sucked. It sucked less the next day as there was little to no residual pain. The following week I went back for a check up - all good. The week after that I went back for a cleaning. Again. Fine. Not too terribly pleaseant, but overall, fine. After the cleaning, I was informed that I needed to return for a Root Planing. The dentist explained why I needed a root planing by showing me the following things:
a big fake mouth with retractable rubber gums
x-rays of my mouth
a slide show
2 powerpoint presentations
various and sundry pie charts
Now... I'm not one to disagree with the medical or dental community. I mean, they spent like a million years in institutions of higher education, they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on tuition to said instituions, they worked hard, they stuck it out. I watch Grey's Anatomy. I know.
So I agreed to make two appointments to have a Root Planing.
This past Thursday was my first appointment. I have one question: HOW IN THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO FIND THE STRENGTH AND COURAGE TO GO BACK FOR MY NEXT ONE?????? This was by FAR the most hateful experience of my long, miserable life. It is Saturday and my jaw is STILL sore. I can't even begin to try to explain how horrible those two hours on Thursday were. I should've known... red lights should've gone off all around me when I was told that they need to do it over two appointments - they can't do the whole mouth in one shot.
Oh, don't worry. I'll go back this coming Thursday... only THIS time, I'm leaving with a fresh prescription for some INTENSE pain killers.


Blogger ver said...

I had that, too. It was worse than childbirth. The only good thing is that afterwards you take extraordinary care of your teeth because you never want to have to have root planing again.

Oh, God. It was so horrible.

10:10 PM  

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