Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's too cold to go out... instead I found myself thinking.
There was one person who had a huge impact on my life. More than my parents or anyone else in my family. More than my friends. I think about this person every day. I don't mean to. I don't even try. I just do.
As I thought of him today, I realized that there is only one person currently in my life who knew him. It's Susie. (Hey Suz!) Because I rarely see Susie anymore and she's got a set of triplets, I realized I have nobody to talk to about this person who started me on the greatest adventure of my life.
This scared me. It scared me because I'm afraid that I will forget him. I have no pictures of him. Of us. All I have left of him is the last postcard he sent me before he died. It's post marked January 13th 1989 and was sent to me when I lived in Brooklyn. He died about a year later.
Suz... I know you drop by here every once in a while... I know you're busy with your beautiful little tribe... but could you indulge me and maybe take a few minutes to share what you remember about Patrick? I'm hoping it will help me to not forget....

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Okay, so I don't JUST shop...