Wednesday, May 19, 2010

the stress has broken me

Hi. I'm broken. I thought the moving thing was going just fine, but the Epilepsy gods decided it wasn't. ugh. since Sunday, I've had 8 seizures. I'm on the "mega-meds" and I feel like I'm walking through the day in a vat of marshmallows. I sleep very little through the night - mostly fits and starts - then spend the day sitting on the couch dozing off every hour or so.
I think Boogie knows there's something wrong cuz she spends the day laying next to me, just keeping me company, not wanting anything. I'll clear my throat or cough or stretch and she'll pop up and put here little paws on my shoulder and look me right in the face like she's trying to make sure i"m okay. hysterical. comforting.
Mike's "contractor" job doesn't allow for paid time off, so I'm flyin' solo during the day. He's been a champ, though. every night, he comes home and packs another room. I've only been able to do my Dressing Arena - no small task - the TV room and two of the upstairs closets. I did help clean out the "everything drawer" in the kitchen last night... THAT was insane. Where did we get all that kitchen stuff??!?!!! Why in the world would we have FOUR garlic presses, TWO rolling pins (exactly alike), FIVE cork screws (not including that mega corkscrew that was the Holiday Gift of the Season 5 yeas ago), 3 sets of measuring spoons, 3 funnels, any number of assorted mis-matched measuring cups, and a handful of unidentifiable "things"??? madness. I went through that drawer like a ninja, killin' off stuff left and right.
Today, I've promised Mike I'm going to pack up the pantry. Also, there's a little room off of the Dressing Arena where I keep my rolling rack of outerwear... that ended up being a bit of a catch-all for random extra TVs (2?!?!!), boxes of framed photos I never managed to put out here, and unused bedding. Doesn't seem like much, but the way I'm feeling, it'll take all the strength I can muster.
Gettin' sleepy. AGAIN. ugh.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


The WINNER for over the dining room table. I found these on some random design blog. I fell in love with the tophats. (the bowlers are cute, but... the gold lining threw me off) The blog didn't have a link to a retailer, so i had to do a bit of cyber searching. I finally found a site that was selling them. FOR SEVEN HUNDRED BUCKS A POP. Less than the Dr00g 85 Lamp, but still... I finally just e-mailed the designer directly and asked if he had a distributor. He put me in touch and they were selling them for 252 each! three will be living over the dining room table a little after they arrive in June. wooho.


Originally uploaded by shuboy
first contender for over the dining room table. this is the same chandalier in the grand room at For3ign Cin3ma in SF... the price is VERY prohibitive... so...


Originally uploaded by shuboy
this is the palette I FINALLY landed on for the new place.


Originally uploaded by shuboy
thinkin' about turning this one into a print for the loft... not sure yet.


Originally uploaded by shuboy
i didn't edit my bags...


Originally uploaded by shuboy
did i mention I love shoes? So... with the impending move (next week - EEK!!!!!) I had to do a bit of editing... I dropped off a bunch (about a hundred or so) at Goodwill. I heard them calling to me as we drove away... "NO!!!! Please don't leave us!!! We don't want to go live with poor people!!!!"
So traumatizing.


Originally uploaded by shuboy
love this. gonna have this made into a print for the loft.


Originally uploaded by shuboy
I saw this bag in the Burb3rry Pr0rsum Spring 2010 show. I lusted after it. It sold out in a week. Thank Buddha for FB - I found a friend of mine who's a VP with B'burry and he ran the last one down for me.
it's HUgE and I love it.


Originally uploaded by shuboy
I designed this table. I found the bench at UnE@rth3d in Madison. Got the blanket there too... turned the blanket into a pad for the bench. It'll look WAY groovy in the new loft.

awright already!!!!

So I've been gone for awhile... busy? yeah, of course. but mostly, I think the muse has been visiting me during my facebooking sessions. I know, I know - that seems to be everyone's excuse nowadays.

I'm going to post a bunch of pics now. Pics and random musings. enjoy.