Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Okay, so i know this is gonna be bad... I just finished watching the first episode of the new season of The Amazing Race (for those of you checking the post time, I Tivo'd it). The twist this season is that they now have teams of four. The teams are all families. four silly blond girls named "Godlewski", thus called "The Godlewski Family", an Italian family from New Jersey - "The Paolo Family"... you get the picture. Well, one of the families was an African American Family. Their surname? "Black". Ergo they were referred to as "The Black Family". They were eliminated on this first episode. Phew. I just don't think I could've handled hearing Phil constantly referring to "The Black Family' without shuddering.

It's been said...

that I could purchase real eastate with what I spend on "accoutrement". Please. No way. Maybe in some podunk town where I'd be afraid to leave the house... but not in lovely SF!
And it HAS been lovely here. I guess we're in the midst of our famous Indian Summer. I think I actually got a tan driving home from the east bay with my sun roof open. ahh...
Please keep in mind that the last shopping list I posted consisted of over a full MONTHS worth of shopping. Plus there were several gifts... and when you need a haircut, you NEED a haircut. Plus my gravity defying faux hawk needs that amazing Sumo Tech stuff! excuses, excuses. Feh!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

I got a request...

to update my blog. Understandable as it's been getting a bit dusty in here. I was specifically asked to update my "Shopping List".
It's been a while so this is kinda' tough.
iPod Mini
Tivoli iPal radio
iPod Lanyard
iPod case
Brown Canvas Jack Spade Bag
Amazing Rudolph Dasler Puma Jacket (260 bucks, but I got it for 50% off! at Nomads on Hayes)
1 Hair cut
Another bottle of that overpriced yet amazing Bumble and Bumble Sumo Tech stuff
1 Brown Sweater from Banana Republic
1 Grey/black striped cashmere sweater from Banana Republic
2 Tickets to Wicked at the Orpheum (amazing, amazing, AMAZING)
1 brown distressed leather belt with a big silver buckle
1 black distressed leather belt with a silver Lion's head buckle (!!!!)
2 Tickets to some lousy show at a local theater (only because a good friend was one of the leads)
2 adorable outfits for my OTHER twin nieces 2nd birthday from (gulp) babygap
A "Back to School" gift pack that I donated for an Auction to benefit R and V's school
I'm sure I'm missing stuff, but that's all that comes to mind.
It looks bad, but keep in mind, I haven't listed in a long time.
So last weekend I ended up going downtown (out of SHEER boredom) to look for some True Religion cords. Now I think I mentioned how I hate going to the 5th floor of Saks Mens store... cuz of the pissy shopboys who always ignore me. This time was different. They were actually attentive and helpful. "odd" I thought to myself. Then I did something I haven't done in a long, long time. I totaled the outfit I was wearing. I pair of True Religion Jeans, 1 Pair of brown suede Prada boots, a U-Boat Watch, suede Jack Spade bag, Johnathan Hardy bracelet. Basically I was wearing two paychecks worth of clothing and accessories. It all made sense. It also pissed me off. Jennifer, my "girl" on the main floor always says Hi and comes over and chats whenever I come in no matter what I've got on. These guys can't pay me any attention without my outfit totalling a MONTHS worth of THEIR commission checks? Whatever.
I ordered the True Religion cords online.

Monday, September 05, 2005

what to do, what to do????

So "someone i know" is choreographing a show... i'm friends with one of the leads of that show and he's giving me a daily earful of bad feedback of the choreography/choreographer. I feel that my friends feedback is honest and on target. I know that "SIK's" big goal is to be a choreographer, but from what I'm hearing, his reputation is quickly detereorating.
Do i say something? Or do I just watch "SIKs" dream die?