Saturday, December 15, 2007

Used and manipulated!!!!

The fab new gig came with a couple of strings attached. The largest string being the 45 minute commute I must endure each day to and from work. It was fine at first - absolutely NO traffic in either direction. But as some of you may know, I will fall asleep in any moving vehicle almost immediately - wether i'm driving or not. After two horrendous drives fighting sleep almost the entire way, I figured out that maybe if I get some audio books, that would keep me alert and awake. Well, it worked. I've been happily commuting and catching up on books that I've wanted to read for a very long time.
Last week, I finally finished a particularly long book and found myself in need of something new. With the weather the way it's been of late, it's been pretty hard for me to motivate to get to the local Borders. So, I'm stuck listening to lackluster local radio stations. I'm not much for music in the morning - Alice in SF broke me from that addiction... I love a good morning talk radio station... kinda' light, kinda' silly. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find anything to my liking. Ergo, lackluster local radio. Yesterday I'm minding my own business, cruising along on thankfully snow-free roads when the strains of what was sure to be a cheezy christmas song come floating through the airwaves. Having NOTHING else to do, I begin to let myself be lulled into the christmas spirit and actually start paying attention to the song. Here it is: (I'd recommend NOT watching the video and just listening so you can appreciate the hellish manipulation that I went through)

GODDAMNIT if I didn't mist up. For crissakes, what has beCOME of me???
"I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets jesus tonight"?????
Are you fucking kidding me???? I know no one who could resist that.
Happy fucking holidays!!!!


Blogger CookieDuster said...

Mom is sick and has a date with her imaginary friend?

I don't get it.

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it had more to do with the shoes than anything that made you mist up. Either that, or the sub-zero temps are getting to you. But then, I couldn't watch the whole thing, so maybe I missed something?

11:51 AM  

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