Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Gift of the season

Originally uploaded by shuboy.
Every year, I have a "Gift of the Season". nobody knows about it but me, of course (well, me and you two blog fans). Last year was the Jonathan Adler giraffe lamp from the SO. THIS year the title goes to Ver for these incrdible prints (and a GC to Cheap Petes to get them framed). I was so excited about these prints that I took yesterday off to get them framed. They hang above the built ins on either side of the fireplace. I look at them whenever I'm sitting on the couch (which is all the time! I LOVE THESE!!!!! Thanks Ver!!!!!

Here's the other one

Originally uploaded by shuboy.

Friday, December 22, 2006

I TOLD you I couldn't wait!!!

I forgot to mention that we went to see Dream Girls last Saturday.
"How did you see it last Saturday when it doesn't open until Christmas day???" you ask?
Well, for some reason it was released early in New York, LA and San Francisco. Of course, being able to see it early came with a price. The tix were 25 bucks a pop. I guess the fact that they handed us each a beautiful full color program and a limited edition, numbered lithograph as we were walking into the theater kinda' explains the ticket price.
IT WAS FREAKIN' FANTASTIC! (and I would've been happy paying the 25 bucks even without the litho and program). I loved absolutely everything about this movie. Jennifer Hudson was brilliant in every way. Girl could sing, dance AND act. I was not surprised when they announced she was nominated for a Golden Globe.
As for Beyonce. I'm not a big giant fan of hers and walked in prepared to hate her as Dina. I was totally wrong. She was wonderful as well.
Eddie Murphy - brilliant as James Thunder Early.
Anika Noni Rose was gorgeous. It's tough to believe that such a huge, gorgeous voice comes out of such a little girl.
The weakest of the group was Jaime Fox. It just seemed like he phoned it in. There was a certain passion lacking from his performance. Thankfully his less than brilliant performance didn't really put a dent in my enjoyment of the movie.
Hopefully this will continue to stoke the flames of the movie musical comback.

Can you guess...

...why I love Christmas? Yup. That's right. Cuz it involves shopping. I think it's a promising sign that I can also enjoy shopping for OTHERS. 'course I always seem to sneak a purchase or two (or six or seven) in for myself.
Fer instance:
new_clockGroovy, right? I picked this up at Friends on Hayes. It's the "Mystic Clock" by - of all companies - Umbra. I don't usually like their stuff. It's a little too "wanna be modern" or "modern for the masses". This just didn't seem Umbra-esque to me. Something about the hands of the clock - very old school meets victoriana. I love that the face of the clock is covered by frosted glass making it look kinda' like you're checking the time through a thick fog.
Anyhow... I'm spending the evening wrapping gifts. I'm completely consumed by the holiday spirit. I'm also kinda' sleepy.
Happy Holidays my dear fans!!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Um, HELLO BMW!!!!!!!

Can you hear me? I hope so, because I'm 'bout ready to google the name of the screaming kid in your commercial and BEAT HIM 'TIL HE'S MUTE. Then I'm going to find his parents and BEAT THEM until they see just how stupid they are for raising a child that would scream like that over a Christmas present.
Thanks. I feel better already.
Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

She made me do it...

Ver's recent boot purchase inspired me to pick these up yesterday:

frye belted harness boot
