Friday, January 18, 2008


we went to dinner last weekend over in the Willy St. area... kinda' boho/Haight St.-ish. Little place called the Weary Traveller. As we were checking in with the Maitre' d, one of the patrons noticed that Matt had on a tie and decided to comment, then he noticed that Mike had a tie on as well and I guess that just threw him over the top. (Now, keep in mind that they Matt and Mike both had on jeans, their neckties were loose - more of an attempt at fun accessorizing than a lifestyle message). Anyhow, this guy just wouldn't stop...
"A tie??? A fucking TIE??? You TOO???? GREAT!!!
"Where do you guys live? Probably the West Side. (eye roll)"
"Great! Now we're going to be overrun by you Upper Management people."
At first Matt kinda' tried to engage, but when he realized this guy was nothing but an asshole, Matt immediately went silent.
On and on he went until finally he said,"They should start checking passports here!"
Now, this guy was NOT smart enough to make such a multi-level insult. I'm sure he was only referring to our being from the "West Side" BUT I saw it as an opportunity to rake this guy over the coals.
"LOOK. YOU need to shut your mouth NOW. I'm really sorry if the fact that we have full time jobs and dress like adults offends you, BUT the fact that you feel it necessary to question our citizenship in this country offends ME. Shut your fucking mouth now or I'll beat the shit out of you AND your girlfriend."
"uh... um.. wuh... um...."
"Yeah... that's what I thought. Loser."
He tucked his tail between his legs and skulked away as everyone in earshot glared at him. He and his companion were seated a few minutes later and that's the last we saw of him. Thank Buddha.


Blogger Unknown said...

I give you permission, as a resident of said Willy St., to refer to it as "Haught Street," if you're so inclined.

4:07 PM  
Blogger Shuboy said...

and so be it Kyle. thanks for stopping by and checkin' the rant.
Haven't been back to your hood since... just haven't had the time. I'm always open to restaurant recommendations, though. Even on WILLY St.!!!

5:48 AM  

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