Sunday, April 27, 2008

Here's what I'm thinkin'...

Told you I was going bike shopping yesterday, right? Well, here's what I found:

front runner

I wanted more of a "cruiser" kinda' bike - definitely did NOT want to be one of those lycra-clad yabos with the helmet and the Lance @rmstr0ng wanna-be vibe scootin' around the Isthmus. I was going for the baggy short, Chuck Taylor, groovy Straw Fedora vibe. Bikin' on the path... enjoying the scenery... pulling over to have a smoke. Y'know, ME on a bike. I really LOVED the fact that the grips are made of cork (look closely - soooo cool), loved the light leather "saddle" (it's a SADDLE, not a seat according to Adam at the bike shop) and just loved the overall retro feel.
For some reason, Mike was totally against me getting it. Whatever... I'm getting a bit tired of his anti-purchasing tirades. I thought maybe it was because he wasn't getting a bike. So I offered to get him one too. He declined. Again, whatever.
I'm going to get it today.


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