Sunday, April 27, 2008

A New Shopping Post

The "front runner" became the winner. Here's my new bike:


aka "Soulville" by Masi.
I went for a ride today. Who knew that m@dison was famous for its' multitude of bike paths??? Let's hope I do better with this than I did with the evil, guilt-inducing eliptical machine.

Here's what I'm thinkin'...

Told you I was going bike shopping yesterday, right? Well, here's what I found:

front runner

I wanted more of a "cruiser" kinda' bike - definitely did NOT want to be one of those lycra-clad yabos with the helmet and the Lance @rmstr0ng wanna-be vibe scootin' around the Isthmus. I was going for the baggy short, Chuck Taylor, groovy Straw Fedora vibe. Bikin' on the path... enjoying the scenery... pulling over to have a smoke. Y'know, ME on a bike. I really LOVED the fact that the grips are made of cork (look closely - soooo cool), loved the light leather "saddle" (it's a SADDLE, not a seat according to Adam at the bike shop) and just loved the overall retro feel.
For some reason, Mike was totally against me getting it. Whatever... I'm getting a bit tired of his anti-purchasing tirades. I thought maybe it was because he wasn't getting a bike. So I offered to get him one too. He declined. Again, whatever.
I'm going to get it today.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Checking in...

-New York was kinda' fab. Had a blast and got my shoppin' ON. The car thing was brilliant. I covered so much ground on Friday that I really didn't have anywhere I needed to go on Saturday!
-I sold the freakin' guilt-inducing eliptical machine.
-I signed up for private pilates classes starting on the 10th
-I'm going bike shopping today
-I was getting dressed last night to go out with friends and I discovered that I still have the socks that I wore at V-Mo's wedding.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Please, just ONE indulgence.

Have you noticed the drop off of shopping posts? Well, HAVE YOU??? If you haven't, rest assured that there has been. I've made a concerted effort to curb my shopping. (Okay, the fact that I'm living in a shopaholics HELL has made it easy) Anyhow, I do a have a goal in mind. A very BIG goal. I'm hoping to achieve my goal in about a year. I'm pretty much on track.
That being said...
I got a pretty nice surprise this week. I got a raise. I wasn't expecting this. I mean, I've only been in position for 8 months... long enough to receive a review from my boss, but, like I said, I didn't think I'd get an increase. Um... I also got a bonus. OKAY, now relax. Just RELAX. I put 95% of it into my savings account. NINETY FIVE PERCENT. The old me would've blown through that bonus this weekend.
NOW... here's the thing... I've been good. REALLY, really good. I've been working hard and I got a great review from my boss. I picked up my life, quit a job that I was enjoying and jumped headfirst (with the SO by my side) into the abyss that is Madison. Moved away from my family who I desperately miss EVERY SINGLE DAY. I supported me and the SO for the first 4 months we were here until he got a job. I spend close to two hours every day commuting... more than that when it was snowing. I survived THE WORST WINTER IN RECORDED HISTORY in Madison.
I think I've earned one indulgence.
So here it is: I'm leaving tomorrow morning for New York on a business trip. I'm working on Thursday, visiting stores with the director of ops and my boss. I'm staying through Sunday (no, that's not the indulgence. even if I didn't get the bonus, I would've stayed). I'm shopping on Friday and Saturday and probably seeing a couple of shows. (no, that's not the indulgence either. even if I didn't get the bonus, I would've shopped and seen a couple of shows).
okay... enough already. HERE'S the indulgence:
I've hired a car and driver for 4 hours on Friday to take me shopping. hehe!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

re entry

Spent an amazing week in Puerto Vallarta with all of my favorite people.
Here we are!!!
The guy on the left in the crazy shirt is Oscar, aka my own personal bar tender. The guy up front with the serious face is Sergio, aka our brilliant chef. These guys made breakfast, lunch and dinner for our happy little troop... each meal better than the one before. ahh....
We went into town once for dinner at this place
food was okay... fun night except for the "Death March" to get there (it was about a 15 minute walk down the beach from the house).
I wore my new hat (the one that I saw R@chel R@ys' hubby wearing on the F00dNetwork:
not bad, right?
Anyhow, what a great week!!! Honestly, we could've been in Alaska... it was all about being with the people who I love the most.