Saturday, July 23, 2005

Son of The Best Salesman in San Francisco

so the magical shirt was back from the tailor on Thursday. My hellish week at work left me no time to pick it up and the poor thing sat languishing at MAC... a Friday pick-up was not looking good either as I had to go to the editing studio to work on some videos that we're producing for "the conference". as i sat trying desperately to stay awake while the editor plucked away at his computer, my phone rang. It was Scott. "Hey Mike, i just wanted to make sure you remembered that your shirt is ready"
"Thanks... I'll try to swing by for it in the next couple of days - I'm swamped."
"Are you at work?"
"Sort of... i'm at an editing studio over in the Haight"
"What's the address? I'll send it over."
I love that guy.


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