Saturday, September 01, 2007

Go Big Red?

Today we participate in what could easily be referred to as, "The Qunitessential Madison Experience". We're going to a UW Badgers football game.
On Tuesday, I got back to my office and found that I'd received an invitation to join - get this - the VP of HR and "other executives" at the opening game of the UW football season. Relax. It's not like I was the only one invited. There will be other LE "newbie directors" there. Apparently LE has a suite at Camp Randall (the UW football stadium) that they use to woo potential business outfitter customers. I reluctantly accepted the invitation. Good thing... apparently, this is a BIG DEAL. Not only is this a huge game for UW, but I found out it's a pretty big deal to get invited to the LE Suite at the stadium.
Last night after our Friday Dinner Out, we were wandering around State Street when I finally faced the question that had been nagging me since I accepted the invite to the game - What will I wear? Buddha knows that there is no shortage of UW Logo stores in Madison, so I gave in and we walked into one of them. I purchased two shirts. One for me and one for Mike. Mike went with a more classic approach to the UW logo. I decided on a ringer tee emblazoned with bucky
Bucky Badger - the UW mascot.
Whether I wear it or not remains to be answered.


Blogger CookieDuster said...

At that event, red goes with everything.

5:54 PM  

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