Sunday, September 09, 2007

A Good Day

We spent a lovely day yesterday hanging out with Matt. The weather was warm with no sign of the oppressive humidity that I've been having such a hard time dealing with. Thank Buddha.
We met at the Farmer's Market at aout 10:30 and did a lap. Picked up some corn - 6 for a dollar. That was it... we headed out for brunch at some pancake house in Middleton. I immediately got sick from whatever I ate... I beg to go home to recover. couple hours later, we're back on the road. We're currently looking for pillows and a throw for the new monster couch in the living room. After a fruitless shopping trip, we dropped Matt off, headed home and I took a nap - feeling a little better from my earlier pancake poisoning.
Since arriving, we've been looking for a replacement for Tsing Tao, our go-to Chinese delivery place in SF. Low expectations abound, but that was fine as Tsing Tao was just barely acceptable. Like I said... just a go-to place for quick food delivery. Matt had given us some sort of local guide to the best restaurants in the area and we chose the #1 entry under Chinese food delivery. We placed the order when Matt called to say he was headed back to our place. The food arrived just before matt... I had about 2 bites from each of the 4 dishes we ordered. All I have to say is... I think I enjoyed my pancake poisoning more than that meal. The search will continue.
In a desperate attempt to salvage the evening, we considered going to a movie. I faced reality and admitted that going to a movie theater for me is like giving me a sleeping pill. We nixed the movie idea. Then Matt came up with the brilliant (?) idea of going to a local Indian casino - Dejope. See, Matt and I had gone to Las Vegas together a million years ago and the idea hit as we were reminiscing about the trip. Anyhow, we all looked at each other and said, WTF? Why not? and headed out. Twenty minutes later we were walking through the doors. I'm assuming that none of my valued fans have been to an Indian casino, so let me take a moment to describe.... basically, you can smell the desperation the moment you open the doors. Everyone in the place looks like they're there to make their millions to escape the lives that they've been assigned. There's gotta be something in the air... my first intake of breath put me right next to everyone in there. Thoughts of winning a b'zillion dollars at a twent five cent slot machine danced through my head. Cash out, head home, pack and move back to my beloved SF. Sigh.
I played "Big Daddy" and handed Mike a twenty (pulled one out for myself as well). We wandered around and promptly ended up 40 dollars in the hole. "Big Daddy" decided to keep the "fun" rolling and whipped out a couple more twenties... We wandered around and chose our "dream-making" machines... Mike turned his twenty into FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!!!! I turned mine into A HUNDRED AND FIFTY!!!!!!!! When our bankroll dropped to 350, we ran outta that place like liitle girls running from an, um, uh... Indian Casino (?). Matt followed close behind... bitter and angry at not being able to make his 5 dollars into anything more than additional space in his wallet.
So 350 bucks won't get us retired and back to SF... but it's a start.
Mad-land it is. For now.


Blogger ver said...

Oh, come on! There must be SOMETHING to do there! If not, you guys need to seriously take up some sorta craft like knitting. Go get a copy of "CRAFT" (same publisher as "MAKE") and decide your future...

8:19 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"...going to a movie theater for me is like giving me a sleeping pill."

That's why my S/O and I never bother going to "the picture show"; we suffer from the same affliction. And with the horrible prices of tickets today, I can take a nap much cheaper at home!

10:04 AM  
Blogger CookieDuster said...

The last time I saw the inside of an Indian casino, Morango near Palm Springs, I noted how desperately unhappy everyone in the place looked. You must have really brightened up the place!

12:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good luck on finding good Chinese food here. Sadly, that's as rare as the shoes.

10:41 PM  

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